
Showing posts from October, 2019

There is no free will.

There is no free will. I'll get that out of the way first of all, because it's a fact that I'll explain as we go on. I will, of course, be looking for any kind of evidence or great hypothesis as to why I'm wrong, but as far as I'm concerned, there is no free will at all. I, and everyone else, am a product of the universe which wasn't of my making. I didn't make "me", and who I am now is entirely a product of what I've learned, misunderstood, believed, still believe, fail to grasp, doubt, wish was and wasn't so, and had to happen. Cause and effect are the King and Queen of reality, and I, and my mind and body and entire life, are all subject to the same: what happens causes something else to happen. All phenomena, all events, all moments in spacetime are the product of previous moments, and those previous moments are the products of moments before them. And all those moments can be traced back to the very first moment: the big bang. Lif